Ministerial Services

Debra being ordained by Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere

Rev. Debra Denker is an inter-denominational minister. She was ordained as a Minister of Healing by Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere of the southern California-based Healing Light Center Church in 1991. There she studied energy healing, pastoral services, pastoral counseling, the elements and history of ceremony, metaphysics, and comparative religion in HLCC’s rigorous four-year Pastoral Healer Program.

Debra offers a full range of ministerial services including spiritual and legal marriage, memorials, pastoral counseling, and ceremonies for life transitions of any kind. She works with her clients to create beautiful, memorable, and unique ceremonies tailored to the needs of the individual, couple, or family.

Photo by Joseph Denker

Debra was asked to join the HLCC faculty in 1990, and began as a teacher of comparative religion. She believes that all human spiritual traditions are different paths to the same profound realization of the Oneness of all life. Her personal spiritual practices range from Tibetan Buddhist and Bon Dzogchen meditation to Sufism to Native American sweat lodge and pipe ceremony to yoga, Hindu changing, qi gong, and visits to the Catholic Church, her spiritual origin in this lifetime. She honors and loves all spiritual traditions and echoes His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who has said, “My religion is kindness.”