Spiritual Counseling and Readings

Compassionately Shedding Light on Your Lifepath

In person sessions available in Santa Fe and in Alaska

Phone readings anywhere in the world

Please call 505-466-4509 or e-mail

to make an appointment

Visa, Mastercard, and Discover accepted

Debra Denker has been doing spiritual counseling through intuitive readings since 1977. She seeks to be a clear channel for spiritual guides and Universal Consciousness with the purpose of assisting her clients in gaining greater clarity about their life choices. She helps clients look at a range of probable futures, and their choices for optimizing spiritual growth. She works with couples and families as well as individuals.

She often uses Tarot cards as a focus, but also offers direct channeled readings and works with specific Spirit Teachers. Her Buddhist background helps her to counsel with Dharma practitioners in a way that harmonizes with their practice.

Debra also facilitates past life recall and release. She prefers not to do past life readings, but to empower the client to remember and release significant energetic elements of their own “past,” thereby affecting the “present” and “future,” while recognizing that all time is truly simultaneous.

Debra has been teaching intuitive development classes (see Classes page) in many places throughout the U.S. and the world since 1991, and is the author of an intuitive development guide seeking a publisher. She believes that everyone has a human birthright of intuition, and encourages students to open to the flow of those natural abilities, while at the same time exercising spiritual discipline, a good sense of boundaries, and ethics.

Debra is grateful for the chance to have assisted the spiritual development of so many thousands of people over the years in so many cultures and regions of the world.

Disclaimer:  Rev. Debra Denker does not prescribe or diagnose. Intuitive spiritual counseling sessions are in no way intended to replace care from a qualified and licensed medical practitioner.